Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Most Scholars Agree..."

Honestly, this is a phrase I can't stand. It is generic and undefined -- which scholars, who exactly -- it is kind of like -- "most doctors agree".

People use this expression in books and what not to bolster their point as if the majority of scholarship makes something true. The majority opinion is not always the right one. Scholars are susceptible to the same 'pop' movements just like everyone else.

I am currently breaking down God's Problem by Bart Ehrman and he uses this expression a lot and in the context he uses it I want to also add a further criticism -- If you are only using this as based on the people you hang with or who's opinion you agree with -- it is dishonest. The fact is I know a large number of scholars who would disagree with some of Bart's "most scholar's agree..". Most of what he is talking about is higher critics and there is a large camp that disagrees with higher criticism with good reason.

In fact, what it really points to is the fact that a person is trying to avoid putting up the different opinions of the various schools of thought. Opinions that all have merit or are engaged in the debate.

Yes folks -- there is a division in scholarship and it needs to be mentioned, but often one side or the other simple says -- 'most scholars agree.." and in actuality they are citing the scholars that agree with their position, not a true majority of scholars.

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to say, most scholars would agree with your post.
