Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marriage and the Bible -- Part 6 -- Isaac's Arranged Marriage

Arranged Marriage. To many Westerners such a concept is repugnant but in the ancient Near East and in much of the world today it is actually the most common way a couple gets married. When you get down to it though this would cut through a lot of the garbage associated with 'finding the one".

Isaac's Father Abraham is the one with the idea and in the end the story is one of God's guidance although it will cause problems for one of Isaac and Rebecca's children later with a relative Laban. Overall, Isaac and Rebecca's' Marriage seems to be a happy one other than them each taking sides over their children.

Perhaps bringing in one's parents to help decided who you should marry isn't such a bad idea.

To recap so far, we haven't really passed the middle of Genesis and so far we have the following issues.
1. Marriage vs. Husband and Wife
2. Polygamy
3. Arranged Marriage
4. Marrying Relatives

Getting to be an interesting ride.

Next: Jacob, Super Polygamist?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry show -- even though I have more open views on certain things your link is definitely off my list of acceptable.

  3. I've often thought arranged marriages might not be such a bad idea - especially since my own daughter is approaching the "marrying age." Although, sadly, in our society, the parents don't fare much better than the children.

  4. Maybe marriages don't fly well here because the parents are so little involved and as such, nothing is taught about marriage from one generation to the next. Abraham was very involved in Issac's -- he had a list criteria and an agent.

    I too believe in arranged marriages for daughters now that mine is 16;-)
