Sunday, January 10, 2010

Marriage and the Bible -- Part 3 -- Lamech and His Two Wives

Probably one of the most significant things about about the story of Lamech is his belief that God protected him because he was somehow greater than Cain even though he had murdered two men, although based on what he says is could have been self defense. In any case, that is not what is significant for this discussion. What is significant is Lamech is the Bible's first recorded polygamist. This introduces polygamy very early into our discussion on marriage.

One of the arguments I have read from several sources against polygamy is that Lamech was of the line of Cain and therefore polygamy's origins are suspect in an ungodly line. I find this argument a little unsatisfying because it is an argument from silence. Just because no one in Seth's line is referenced to have more than one wife does not mean it didn't exist. All the children's names are not mentioned either so it does not mean they didn't have names. In addition the text itself does not say Lamech was the first polygamist ever; the only reason he is being recorded is because of his belief he would be revenged seventy fold, he just addressed this to his two wives so their existence is recorded.

In addition, if we refrain from everything that the line of Cain invented then we need to stop: Living in tents and herding livestock, playing music, doing metalwork, etc. because it was the line of Cain that invented all these things as well.

What is really curious is that God is silent about the issue. The mention of multiple wives seems to be as matter of fact as if he had told people Lamech was bald. The morality of polygamy really is not an issue here, the only thing we can really say is that polygamy has been around for a LONG time.

Next: Abraham Marries His Sister

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