Thursday, June 18, 2009

Engaging God's Problem -- A Two-Fold Task

I have been reading and digesting God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question -- Why We Suffer by Bart D. Ehrman. My original task was to engage the book on my open theism blog but as I have engaged the book I have found that this is a twofold task. Open Theism will handle much of it but God's Problem has more issues than just a simple open theism fix. There are issues of higher criticism, views of atonement, western influence of philosophy, etc. etc. issues that will work here as well. Bart has so many assumptions that work in his book that it will take more than one blog to engage them.

The question is how --
1. If a blog entry here deals with open theism it will go on as well. If it does not deal with open theism it will remain here.
2. On my open theism blog I will be engaging other issues involving open theism on Sunday and Bart Ehrman's book when it comes up.

I am almost finished analyzing the first three chapters so the first article will appear Saturday.



  1. I am sorry to haft to ask this but it is the only way i will know so what is this word you use so often "Open theism" yes if necessary a oh my goodness your not very smart is in order but i just don't know


  2. Open Theism is the belief that God sees the future both as possibilities and absolutes. Some parts of the future are open even from God's perspective. Even to God there are parts of the future that are not set in stone. If you want more about open theism, my other blog has almost 40 articles on the subject along with many comments.

    The only stupid question is a question someone doesn't ask because they think it is a stupid question. ;-)


  3. well thanks for that i will deff look at it!
