Thursday, March 18, 2010

My 41st Birthday

Wow! Things go fast when you are not keeping track of them.

Let's see -- the most interesing thing that happened the day I was born was not reported -- it was a little known operation called -- Operation Breakfast -- the secret bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Hey, the other bomb dropped was me into my parent's lives. There was also a solar eclipse that day, wonder if that was a sign of something. Lennon and Ono were on the cover of Look Magazine released that day. Ain't love great!

1766 -- Britian repeals the Stamp Act in the American Colonies.

1852 -- Wells Fargo's first day of business.

1939 -- Frank Sinatra records his first song - "Our Love". Earned him a contract of $75 a little later

1965 -- First walk in space by a cosmonaut.

1997 -- Aerosmith released their album Nine Lives with the Hit -- "Pink"

I share a birthday with Vice President John Calhoun (1782), President Grover Clevland (1837) and Writer John Updike (1932).

All that is trivial stuff. The Greatest things are serving the Lord, loving my family and having great friends.


Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Back -- New Plans

Wow! I stayed away a whole week. The fact was that the creative well was running dry and I was also wrestling with some of the passages that my articles were going to deal with in the future. I also am engaging some purpose issues about all this. I love to write but I also would love to write something that would actually lead to making a living at this.

So what is the purpose of this blog? It's a question I am trying to answer. This thing began May 5, 2009 with the purpose of writing about issues American and Western Christians do not want to touch and hopefully engage the Bible on those subjects. Some of them I have addressed; others have been not so well covered. In the end this blog is really for me to express myself by addressing issues.

In addition, after setting aside a book outline I wrote last year, I picked it up again with fresh eyes and said to myself -- "This needs to be written". But I also made a commitment to this blog to have 365 post by May 4th, 2010 and then keep it going. Current count is 304 posts including this one so that is 61 posts to go in 51 days -- not to terrible. I also am tired of writing crap just to get a post in so...

1. I am going to write double and triple posts to be posted on my nights off after good editing. I am usually off three nights a week so if I triple for a while I should catch up at two a week. Just in time.

2. I am going to be writing on my book whenever I have the time but after the 4th of May it will be scheduled in time for me

3. One I get the 365 post I am going to probably post twice a week and try to write some thing better than what I have been. The extra time will be used for my book.


Ed Raby

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Couple Days Off

I am taking a couple days off of blogging. Mostly i am still looking at a lot of passages and I haven't drawn any conclusions. I really hate writing about something I am not sure of yet.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wow! Missed a Day!

Yesterday was completely bonkers. work, sleep, get up, drive one and a half hours to watch my daughter play basketball, watch half of first game of playoff, watch my daughter's game, drive back -- arrive home past midnight. Yipes. I forgot to get a blog article in. Well, the goal was to have 365 articles by May 4th so that is what I am aiming for.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Book of Revelation -- Part 17 -- The Seventh Trumpet

The seventh trumpet ends in climactic fashion as it starts a vision of worship -- all of heaven worships the LORD. The twenty four elders, all the voices of heaven, etc., join in to praise the Lord.

One interesting thing is the mention of the ark in the temple surrounded by acts of power both great and terrible.

The seven trumpet simple ends this phase of the book and open the door to a very different vision.

Next: The Woman, the Dragon and the Man Child.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tired Today

You just have one of those days where your energy level is low. Today is my day for this. I can't even really think straight.

In any case -- blessings to all. I will try to write something of meaning later.