Saturday, June 20, 2009

Christians and Sexuality: The Song of Solomon

Often there are certain interpretations of Scripture that continue on and on even though there is little evidence for it. In many cases the reason is culture -- not of the time of the Scripture -- but the interpreter's time. I think Song of Solomon has been interpreted poorly for a long time. The standard interpretation by Christians I have heard since I as was a kid is that Song of Solomon is a metaphorical picture of Christ and His Church. I wonder if that is what Solomon was thinking when he wrote it? I doubt it. I think this interpretation has survived so long because to take it for what it is is a little embarrassing to traditional Christian views when it comes to sex and sexual desire.

The truth is, this is an erotic poem about the desire of Solomon and his future bride for each other. They are very descriptive in their desires and wishes as well as of each other. The language is archaic but if we were their we would realize this is about two people who have the hots for each other and can't wait for their wedding night to 'get it on'. There is actually a practical message to the Song of Songs. It is that sexual desire in the proper context is not sinful or bad. Even to those who are not married it is true. There is also another message here -- virginity is a key element in this desire. In the story the bride speaks of her virginity as a gift she wants to give to Solomon, her future husband, on the night of their marriage. It is her crowning achievement in the poem and she receives high praise for it from Solomon and her family.

I am also going to add this -- I think this is the only true interpretation -- I don't think you connect this to Jesus and His church. No New Testament writer makes this connection and there is no Messianic prophecy in it as far as I can see unless you really want to read into the book.

Look at it this way -- The Song of Solomon is God's answer to the Kama Sutra. Or is that the other way around?

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