Friday, June 12, 2009

The Five Continuing Conversations of Long Term Reationships -- Part 4 -- In Laws

Ah Family. It is always wonderful to have a good loving family, but there is also something to be said for the leave and cleave aspects of marriage and relationships. How much input each side of the family gets on the relationship needs to be discussed and how that will play out over time.

1. How much input into your relationship will your parents have and how much do you want them to have? At what point would you consider them meddling with your life as a couple?

2. How much time are you going to spend with family? You know it gets really tiring if a spouse comes home and their partner is not there and it happens all the time. You married the person you did and they should be the chief person in your life.

3. In what ways would you accept help from family? This is important all you life so keep on top of it. The one benefit of having a good family is support, but at what point is it going to make you a slave to the other person. What support will you give family members? How will you take care of your aging parents?

4. What family baggage does each person have? Is one from a two parent home and the other a child of divorce? It makes a difference trust me and it does not go away.

Family is always gong to be their so be prepared to discuss it and keep discussing it.

Next --Sex

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