Friday, September 25, 2009

The Book of Revelation -- Part 5 -- The Need of the Seven Churches for This Book

I think most people who have read the book of Revelation are familiar with the seven churches. The question I have is their role in interpretation of the book of Revelation. I think there is a very real possibility that the visions contained in this book are things they understood much better than us. In a very real way, the book of Revelation is a letter to them.

If this is the case than the needs, desires and situations of these seven churches should influence interpretation of the book as a whole after chapter three is over How would they have interpreted it? What significance did it have for them? Modern interpreters often forget who this book is addressed to and the role they could have in interpretation.

Each of the churches has something they need: Whether they are praised or rebuked by Christ; in some cases both, they all had some need that was met by the book in later pages. Jesus isn't just addressing them here and then forgetting them as he starts chapter 4. He is giving them the information and knowledge they need about Him so they can overcome the problems He has pointed out to them.

1. Ephesus has a need to find a way to rediscover their first love, is there something that follows in the book that tells them how to or motivates the to do this?
2. Smyrna needs encouragement in the face of persecution and a lack of resources, does one of the passages do this?
3. Pergamum needs both encouragement to hold fast and motivation to turn from their idolatry in repentance, do the visions that follow help them with both objectives?
4. Thyatira needs to hold fast to what they do well and cast the Jezebel woman from their midst, is there a passage that tells them how or gives them motivation to do so?
5. Sardis needs revival and to take the remnant left and multiply it, is there a way to do this shown in the book of Revelation?
6. Philadelphia needs to hold fast to what they have and go through the door no man can shut, does the book tell them how and encourage them?
7. Laodecia needs to be a church that stops being useless to God because it relies on worldly wealth and knowledge instead of what can be obtained from God, is there motivation and instruction how to do so in the book of Revelation?

The one thing I want to remember as I look at the rest of the book is not to forget who it was written to originally. It may be that all the seven symbolism in the rest of the book directly ties back to the seven churches. I cannot overlook the possibility.

Next: The Throne of God

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