Friday, November 13, 2009

The Real Story of Friday the 13th

Superstition and paranoia surround this day every time it happens but the real story is far less than dramatic. In the 1300s some of the Knights Templar were burned at the stake on Friday the 13th and since then 'bad luck' has been associated with this date. More of a superstisious time flowing over into our own.

For the Christian, superstition is a little more problematic as we are really not supposed to have it. God being control and all. Plus Paul's words about old wives tales as well.

Me, I have always found, like Thomas Jefferson, that I always have plenty of good luck the harder I work.


  1. I did not know that is very cool, I thought I was the king of random stuff maybe I have met my match :)

  2. Sometimes my head feels cluttered with the stuff ;-)
