Monday, November 30, 2009

Looking Ahead to 2010.

It is the last day in November 30, 2009. It is also about this time of year that I look to the next and assess where I am with my long term goals. I have added one long term goal this year.

1. Spirit: To be the best pastor I can be. Actually this is a change I have long realized for the last couple of years the only one in the church I can change is myself.
2. Mind: To be a professor in a college or university
3. Heart: To be published writer of fiction and non-fiction books
4. Body: To die old and healthy like Moses at age 120.

For 2010 I want to do the following things to get closer to them.

1. Be a Man of the Word -- I want to memorize at least two books of the Bible this year.
2. Need to advance my education and I need to prepare for the Doctorate I need. That means learning languages -- This year -- Latin for the whole year.
3. Need to write two books this year. Have the non-fiction planned out and need to get a novel written. NaNoWriMo was a bust this year but I learned a few things and got 24000 words. Learned you can write a lot when motivated. Like to have both written and submitted for publication this year.
4. Embracing the bodybuilder in me this year -- trying to get down to the basic foundation I have to work with this year -- have a three year plan on this one and hopefully the results will be great.

Time to move forward.

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