Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pastor Appreciation -- Congregation Appreciation

October was pastor appreciation month and it may have been that my congregation was a little behind, but we felt no less appreciated for it.

Three years ago, I was ready to give up the ministry and God. My story is a long one and I am saving it as part of a book I am writing so it will have to wait. The thing is, it was probably the lowest point in my life since my Father died.

Over a year ago a man from the local congregational church gave me a call and asked if I would be interested in pastoring a church. It was an answer to prayer. A prayer I prayed that if God wanted me back in the ministry, He would have to seek me out and open the door. God took up the challenge.

This congregation actually has restored some of my faith in church and these last months have certainly restored my faith in God's ability to both provide and move. They have no idea how special they have become to me.

May God richly bless us both till Jesus returns.

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