Friday, August 14, 2009

The Rabyd Theologian Looks at the Constitution -- Part 1 -- Introduction

The will be a long running series like so many others I am working on at the present time. I like to talk politics from time to time but as a conservative, my reactions are pretty straightforward and you can probably get those opinions from many other blogs and they would be the same as mine. Just think Reagan conservative with Rush Limbaugh thrown in and long running Christian faith and that's me. But one thing I want to look at for myself that is long in coming is the Constitution of the United States. One thing I have always wanted to do is apply interpretation techniques to other documents of importance that I would normally reserve for the Bible. If we let the document stand for what it says, it is what do we get?

I really don't know how long this will take, but as I have decided to engage things long term now, I will make sure I take my time and keep going. Over the next weeks I want to look at the document as a whole. and then break apart the Preamble. Along with this I want to consider what the Bible says along side this great document to see how much the Founders were sticking to Biblical principles. Christians often say so, but has there really been an analysis of this or is this just something we say to be political?

I make no bones about it, I believe that we should as much as possible understand both the Constitution and the Bible in the way they were ORIGINALLY to be understood and apply them the same way as much as possible. This notion of both being flexible documents is a lot of hogwash. But that does not mean that in both cases there might not be some room for interpretation. That said I would have to say that I have a full plate.

Next: Reading the Constitution

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