Monday, August 31, 2009

My Rant of the Week -- Bush Shoe Thrower Goes Free

Welcome to Monday. Time to rant, This week I heard the news that the Bush shoe thrower went free. His lawyer was very pleased and said that his client's actions were a justified end to the Bush invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Perhaps he would like Saddam Hussein back? Did he like the oppression of free speech he enjoyed under that regime where had he thrown a shoe at Saddam he would have been executed without due process of law for political sedition. As it was because of Bush's actions in Iraq he got a lawyer and was released. I don't know, there is obviously no logic in these Bush haters.
The Bush haters have always had a special place of irony. In order to hate Bush on the Iraq issue, you have to basically say the Iraqi people were better of under Saddam Hussein. A regime where rape, murder and real torture were the order of the day. Where free speech, such as throwing shoes at presidents, were illegal. Bush did the world and the Iraqi people a world of good when they both invaded and conquered Iraq. It is a safe country where people are now given due process instead of executed. Terrorists now have little power there (the surge worked) and now were going to continue ot make this issue that things would have been better off had we not gone in. What a laugh?
Ultimately this is what happens when you believe that the best foreign policy is to make every one like you instead of doing the right thing. This policy of making everyone feel good will ultimately destroy us. We need to understand that any treaty is nothing more than a piece of paper without the resolve to enforce it and ultimately this is what we have with Obama -- a man who believes in paper but does not have the resolve to enforce it. This will ultimately lead to two things:
1) Failure -- there will be a WMD attack on someone in the world.
2) A renewed enthusiasm from the terrorists that will lead to another terrorist attack on our own soil.
Rant complete.

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