Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who is Responsible for Evil?

I am getting ready to finish up my Series on Engaging God's Problem with three posts that will be my final review of Bart Ehrman's argument in his book. But as I head into it, it remains as a question in my brain that mankind is responsible for evil and is capable of stopping it. At the same time I am struck by Solomon's argument in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 where he states their is no end to evil in this world and that the real objective of life cannot be this.

Mankind disobeyed and the door opened up to evil and each decision we have made as individuals and as a race has caused more and more evil -- including natural disaster if you take Genesis 6 literally and what must have been the after affects of a worldwide flood.

If we are responsible it is because it was all avoidable. This was not only avoidable but now that we are in it we continue to make the same bad choices that cause the problem.

What bothers me the most is the continued finger pointing at God -- why do we do this? Why is it that people cannot face their own responsibility for their actions and then deal with the consequences? The same answer --sin. Not only do we want to do what we want, we want no consequences to the decisions we make.

I wonder if the human race would have less evil to worry about if they actually listen to God's solution -- accept Christ as Lord, believe in the power of his resurrection and live in obedience to his commandments?

I really think this is all God has been trying to teach us and the only reason evil continues to abound is that we continue to reject the answer.

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