Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why I Still Like Rush Limbaugh.

I started listening to Rush in 1991. I was looking for anyone in the media who was supporting the Gulf War because I was tired of the leftist defeatist media and then a friend turned me on to Rush. One chorus of 'Bomb Iraq' and I was hooked. Off and on I have listen to him whenever work and time have permitted it. I bought his books and digested his philosophy and have used his arguments and comments many times.

I still love his show.
1. He has been a stalwart Reagan conservative and so am I.
2. He backs his ideas with research and often uses his opponents articles to his advantage.
3. He does not back down.
4. He backs his arguments up with clear reason and logic and most importantly common sense.
5. He is funny but people who are too serious or liberal do not get the jokes.
6. I have yet to find him wrong in his predictions.
7. He does not like McCain, Colin Powell or any other closet liberal calling themselves a Republican and I join him in his dislike.
8. When he did have a personal problem, he didn't cover it up, he dealt with it and took responsibility for his actions. none of this "I didn't inhale" nonsense.

I believe someday people will remember Rush as one of the great conservative thinkers and media personalities of our generation.

God Bless Rush Limbaugh

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