Monday, May 25, 2009

Memories of the Fallen and an Unfortunate Reality

Its Memorial Day -- a day to remember the fallen in battle and service to their country.

My grandfather flew B-17's over Germany and Russian during WWII he was a pilot that belly landed his plane once and was shot down another time and had to bail out over Germany. He won the Distinguished Flying Cross.
My father was in Florida in the Navy during the Cuban Crisis where he was chauffeur to an Admiral who was under the stress of dealing with a potential nuclear threat under a hundred miles from our shores. Both of them in the line of fire had things gone badly.
Both are gone now.

For myself, I have never served as I joined the Lord's Army but it does not diminish my feelings for these men along with many others who put their lives in between our enemies and your and my freedom. They deserve our respect.

Unfortunately we have President and a Congress that will go through the motions of respect but who have shown by their actions and words they have both a contempt for the military and National defense by force. Many of these people were among those who protested the Vietnam War calling these men 'baby killers' and other nonsense. They protested the Cold War arms race which Reagan pushed that lead to victory in the cold war with the fall of the USSR. They protested the Gulf War even though it liberated an innocent country. They protested The War on Terror even though it was a response to multiple attacks on Americans culminating in 9/11 and it liberated Iraq from a brutal dictator as well as killing many more terrorists who would cause our country harm.
Isn't interesting that those who claim patriotism is descent also have to side with dictators and thug and terrorists by saying that they are better than us or right in their actions by saying we have not right to take action against them.
Any action any of these people take to 'honor' our fallen should be taken with a grain of salt -- they should be protested themselves. Their actions have always been one of contempt and dishonor to the men in uniform.
To those who have fallen and those who have served and are serving -- Blessings to you, your families and your supporters. You deserve every bit of it.

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