Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Science Fiction and Theology -- Part 3 -- Alien Religion (Faith and Practice)

OK, along comes and alien race with a Scripture that reads like ours but different and has a different concept of how God is. The issues are limitless. But the two that interest me the most are -- our concept of who man is, or better what our concept of being a being created in God's image is. If the alien race is also created in God's image and they are different from us in outside appearance what does that do to our concept of the image of God? What does do to our concept of being a person.
The other issue is faith along with practice of that faith. What is faith if an alien race has a different concept of what faith is? Practice: how is faith lived? Were talking prayer, meditation and service. So you have a race that serves God but their definition of prayer is to stand on their head -- what then?

Next: Brain Transplant -- Effective Immortality.

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