Monday, February 8, 2010

Replies to Aristiono -- Part 2-- Some Simple Answers

Aristiono points out that the word 'Trinity' does not appear in the Scriptures. True, but that does not make the point he hopes it makes.
There are many theological concepts in all religions that do not appear in their Scriptures. Just because the word 'trinity' doesn't appear in the Scriptures does to mean the concept of the Trinity does not exist in the Scripture. The word 'Monotheistic' does not appear in the Scriptures (Jewish, Christian or Islamic) but all have the theological concept of a 'monotheistic' faith -- one God. We use many words outside the Scriptures to describe concepts that we see in them -- it does not make them false concepts simply because the word does not appear.

The Doctrine of the Trinity is such concept. The word may not appear in Scripture but the concept is there. It was created as a process in trying to understand how certain passages of Scripture could be true. Passages that indicated Jesus as both God and separate from the Father God. Passages that indicated another Comforter called the Holy Spirit -- also equal to God but separate in person hood. Three separate persons but all God (One God Together). The doctrine of the Trinity did not arrive as a result of pagan influence but a wrestling with an understanding of God and the Scriptures.

I wrestled with this myself on my own and had to conclude that the conclusion those who settled this long ago were right. The Trinity is just a way of explaining the concept.

Do I Believe in one God -- Yes. Do I believe in the Trinity -- yes. One God manifested in three persons all equally God, but all equally separate persons but united and one.

Next: Some History Lessons

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