Friday, January 29, 2010

Science Fiction and Theology -- Part 3 -- Alien Religion (Scripture)

Now consider this. When an alien race is discovered they too have a Holy Bible. What then?

If you really consider it, it becomes a difficult question. On what level would such a book be authoritative? Is it inspired? How do we determine these things? Not easy questions at all are they?

The questions of what Scripture would be if done by other races other than the human race becomes a quagmire of thought.

My thoughts are that it would be differ net from our own -- different events and characters with different actions. It would contain history, the history of God's interaction with that race, but it would be completely foreign to our own. The one thing it would have in common is that through that interaction between God and the aliens there would be a revelation of God in truth. It would echo our own understandings but would not be completely the same. it might, were we to understand it, give us a view of God that we would find opens up our own understanding and that of the aliens.

Because of this we would understand it is inspired but to whom -- us, the aliens or both? Possible both, maybe just to them.

It is also possible that they may also have conflicting religions each with their own scriptures and that means sifting through them all to find the ones that are inspired. But what criteria to use? Maybe simply finding common understandings about God may be enough; maybe not.

Next: Alien Religion (Faith and Practice)

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