Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Book of Revelation -- Part 14 -- The Fifth Trumpet

What gets interesting here is that after four trumpets in rapid succession and taking up only a few verses; suddenly the book focuses at length on a couple trumpets. An additional title is given to them as well -- the first two woes.

The Fifth Trumpet has more speculation and controversy on it than much of the rest of the book -- What the heck are these things? Deformed demons or something that John could only describe in terms he could understand but is seeing something entirely different? Don't know. Don't know how machines could come from the bottomless pit. I also doubt the original hearers would have looked at this as anything other than a supernatural force or event.

What is clear is a) This is very bad -- worse than the previous trumpets. and b) they do something far worse that kill -- they torment with terrible pain for a specific time period -- five months.

Next: The Sixth Trumpet

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