Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where I am going from here.

The fact is that some days I ma busy and others I am not -- what this means for blogging has always concerned me but recently with a lot of other things happening I have still managed to get a post in -- sometimes brief -- every day.

That said, I will continue on but I am making some changes. I am basically going to write three series of posts at the same time -- altering them. Right now they are actually four of them:
1. The Bible and Nakedness
2. The Book of Revelation
3. Is Hell Justified?
4. I am also going to continue my look at Christian apologetics.

I have temporarily dropped the one on the Constitution.

By doing things this way I may finish more in a shorter time and drop the little useless posts. I also want to spend some time cleaning up my labels. Enjoy.

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