Monday, October 12, 2009

Apologetics: The New Religious Reality

I have started a new 'Bible' study at church. It is a look at world religions in relation to Christianity. One of the new realities in the United States is that Christianity is not the main religion of people any more. There are now a multitude of religions in the United States and all of them have influence. As I go through this study with my church, I keep asking myself -- 'how would I witness to such a person who believes such and such?" The book of Acts is actually quit helpful because Peter and Paul clearly ministered in a multi-religious culture. Because of this it is very easy to draw comparisons.

The one thing that is interesting is that a number of people have a view of all religions being roads to the ultimate end with no one of them being truly right. I of course find this problematic because then religion is not a search for truth -- just enlightenment. How do you witness to such a multi-cultured religious people? When you talk truth, they dismiss the idea as impossible.

Like it or not Christianity claims an exclusiveness - that is it is the only road to salvation. In such an environment, how does one continue to do this and be respectful yet assured that your getting across the truth? Hopefully as we go through the study and these days looking apologetics we will find the answer.

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